Capital Witter Cheng Freakstyle Deck

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The History of the CAPITAL Ghoul

As many probably know, Witter rode for Capital Skateboards back in 2002. At the time, CAPITAL offered him a pro model, which he designed himself. After extensively testing 10 prototypes, he finally decided on one that he was happy with and sent that deck back to CAPITAL to be made. A year passed by and he never heard anything back from them. He had gotten so used to that deck that he couldn't skate anything else so he left CAPITAL and started Decomposed , recruiting YoYo Schulz, Guenter Mokulys, Keith Renna and a few others to start.

Once Decomposed was up and running, Witter released a Decomposed Ghoul model (based off his CAPITAL Ghoul design), also known as the Decomposed Witter Cheng FrEaKsTyle 2 Deck.

Call it fate, call it luck, call it karma. I believe everything happens for a reason. - Peter Venkman, Ghostbusters

By chance, Witter accidently got in contact with a woodshop and they said......." are Witter Cheng??? We have ONE of your decks sitting in the back from awhile back".

Witter said.....
WTF Are You Saying.gif

They said they'd send it to him.....and they did.

He had no idea that these decks were ever produced. Witter made the Decomposed Ghoul before knowing that the CAPITAL Ghoul ever existed.

After this, Witter somehow got back in touch with CAPITAL and asked if they had any more....and bought everything they had (only about 20 decks), which were NEVER released to the public. They had been sitting in a warehouse for over 10 years without his knowledge. No one knows where the rest of the CAPITAL Ghouls went. It turns out that this model was the last pro model CAPITAL ever produced.

Many years later.....around 2015 or so, Witter got a hold of the CAPITAL owner's wife, and she told him, "There's 1 freestyle deck in the warehouse"...painted black.

Witter said, "I'LL TAKE IT!"

She grabbed it...flipped it over and Witter's name was written on the other side, in his own handwriting. It was the original prototype that he had sent back to CAPITAL for production, over a decade ago.

Witter's actual and original CAPITAL Ghoul prototype.
Photo: Witter Cheng

Witter sold the other 9 prototypes on eBay, over a ten years ago, for just $4.99 each, so they are still floating around out there somewhere.

And the rest is .......
Abraham Lincoln - Its History, Yo.gif