2016 All Japan Championship Freestyle Contest: Difference between revisions

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[[File:All Japan Championship Freestyle Skateboard Contest Japanese Flier 2016.jpg|thumb|250px|right|2016 All Japan Championship Freestyle Skateboard Contest Flier (Japanese)]]
[[File:All Japan Championship Freestyle Skateboard Contest Japanese Flier 2016.jpg|thumb|250px|right|2016 All Japan Championship Freestyle Skateboard Contest Flier (Japanese)]]
{{Contest results table
| division = Pro
| round    = Finals
| caption  =
| 01_skater  = Masahiro Fujii
| 01_native_name =
| 01_place  = 1st
| 01_country = {{Japan}}
| 01_score =
| 01_prize =
| 02_skater  = Shigekazu Suzuki
| 02_native_name = 鈴木 茂一
| 02_place  = 2nd
| 02_country = {{Japan}}
| 02_score =
| 02_prize =
| 03_skater  = Toshiaki Fujii
| 03_native_name =
| 03_place  = 3rd
| 03_country = {{Japan}}
| 03_score =
| 03_prize =
| 04_skater  = Yuta Fujii
| 04_native_name =
| 04_place  = 4th
| 04_country = {{Japan}}
| 04_score =
| 04_prize =
{{Contest results table
| division = Senior
| round    = Finals
| caption  =
| 01_skater  = Daisuke Murakawa
| 01_native_name = 秋山 勝利
| 01_place  = 1st
| 01_country = {{Japan}}
| 01_score =
| 01_prize =
| 02_skater  = Yuichi Takagaki
| 02_native_name = 丸茂俊幸
| 02_place  = 2nd
| 02_country = {{Japan}}
| 02_score =
| 02_prize =
| 03_skater  = <!--Google Translate: Kobayashi Hisao-->
| 03_native_name = 小林久仁男
| 03_place  = 3rd
| 03_country = {{Japan}}
| 03_score =
| 03_prize =
| 04_skater  = Hitoshi Tani
| 04_native_name = 村川 大介
| 04_place  = 4th
| 04_country = {{Japan}}
| 04_score =
| 04_prize =
| 05_skater  = Koji Takeuchi
| 05_native_name = 竹内 幸司
| 05_place  = 5th
| 05_country =
| 05_score =
| 05_prize =
| 06_skater  = Seji Ido
| 06_native_name = 庄司敏郎
| 06_place  = 6th
| 06_country =
| 06_score =
| 06_prize =
{{Contest results table
| division = Amateur
| round    = Finals
| caption  =
| 01_skater  = Yuta Fujii
| 01_native_name = 藤井 裕大
| 01_place  = 1st
| 01_country = {{Japan}}
| 01_score =
| 01_prize =
| 02_skater  = Hayato Kojima
| 02_native_name = 小島 颯斗
| 02_place  = 2nd
| 02_country = {{Japan}}
| 02_score =
| 02_prize =
| 03_skater  = Kanata Hayakawa
| 03_native_name = 早川 奏太
| 03_place  = 3rd
| 03_country = {{Japan}}
| 03_score =
| 03_prize =
| 04_skater  = Yuya Tsuchiya
| 04_native_name = 土屋 結矢
| 04_place  = 4th
| 04_country = {{Japan}}
| 04_score =
| 04_prize =
| 05_skater  = Ikkei Nagao
| 05_native_name = 長尾 一慧
| 05_place  = 5th
| 05_country =
| 05_score =
| 05_prize =
| 06_skater  = Minetaka Natsume
| 06_native_name = 夏目 峰孝
| 06_place  = 6th
| 06_country =
| 06_score =
| 06_prize =
}}{{Contest results table
| division = Girls
| round    = Finals
| caption  =
| 01_skater  = Kotori Ishida
| 01_native_name = 石田 琴理
| 01_place  = 1st
| 01_country = {{Japan}}
| 01_score =
| 01_prize =
| 02_skater  = Mirei Tsuchida
| 02_native_name = 土田 美玲
| 02_place  = 2nd
| 02_country = {{Japan}}
| 02_score =
| 02_prize =
| 03_skater  = Yuri Nagahisa
| 03_native_name = 長久 優里
| 03_place  = 3rd
| 03_country = {{Japan}}
| 03_score =
| 03_prize =
| 04_skater  = Hina Yamawaki
| 04_native_name = 山脇 陽菜
| 04_place  = 4th
| 04_country = {{Japan}}
| 04_score =
| 04_prize =
| 05_skater  = Sora Yamawaki
| 05_native_name = 山脇 青空
| 05_place  = 5th
| 05_country =
| 05_score =
| 05_prize =
| 06_skater  = Mona Konda
| 06_native_name = 今田 もな
| 06_place  = 6th
| 06_country =
| 06_score =
| 06_prize =
[[File:2016 All Japan Championship Freestyle Contest Sponsors.png]]
*Results (Japanese) {{Social icon homepage|http://jfsa.biz/contest/201609alljapan.html}}
*Results (English) {{Social icon translate|1=https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fjfsa.biz%2Fcontest%2F201609alljapan.html&edit-text=}}