2016 World Round-Up - 3rd Place, Pro, Finals: Difference between revisions

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#[[540 Nose Shove-It]]
#[[540 Nose Shove-It]]
#[[Backwards Spacewalk]]
#[[Backwards Spacewalk]]
#[[Walk The Dog]]
#[[Truckstand 360 Fingerflip]]
#[[Double Fingerflip]] (Backwards)
#[[Coconut Wheelie]]
#[[Walk The Dog]]
#[[Frontside M80]]
#180 Tailskid Shove-It to Fakie
#[[Walk The Dog]]
#Tailstop 180 Rock Kickflip
#[[Walk The Dog]]
#Tailstop Nosehook to Casper
#[[Walk The Dog]]
#[[Heelside Railstand]] to Railwhip to Railflip Out
#[[Walk The Dog]]
#[[Frontside M80]]
#Fakie Backside M80
#[[Backwards Endwalk]]
#[[Walk The Dog]]
#[[360 Fingerflip]]
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