FSKB Tour - The Main Page

From The Freestyle Knowledge Base
Revision as of 03:16, 24 April 2016 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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Main Menu
1. The Main Page
2. Lists
3. Categories
4. Searching


In order to get the most out of this wiki, it will be helpful to know a little bit how things are organized and connected. If you have ever used Wikipedia before, this wiki should look very familiar to you. The Freestyle Knowledge Base uses a powerful software called MediaWiki and it is the same framework that Wikipedia uses, just on a much smaller scale.

One of the things that makes wikis so cool is that you can easily link to other pages, internal or external. But categories and templates are what really make the wikis so powerful. Templates are that important to know about for the casual web surfer, but they are what enable dynamic content and

The structure of this Wiki is tailored specifically for freestyle-related content, so all of the categories and subcategories should be pretty intuitive.

The "Main Page"

When you navigate to http://freestylekb.com/wiki/ the first page you will see is the Main Page.

Main Page

Lists Section

Over on the right side of the Main Page welcome message, You will see links to several lists. These will be covered in more detail on another page.

Links to Lists

These pages contain the master tables for all of the decks, wheels, and other freestyle equipment found in FSKB. You'll definitely want to check these out if you want a quick view of all of the equipment and their basic specifications.

List of Decks page with table of all of the decks in FSKB


Just below the Welcome message, you will see an Index listing every letter in the alphabet. Simply click on one of the letters to show a list of all the pages that start with that letter.

Main Page Index

Note: All of the pages that start with a letter after the selected letter are also shown. For example, if you click the letter "S", you will see all of the pages that begin with the letter "S", "T", "U", and so on. It doesn't automatically filter out the ones that come after.


Below the index on the left, you will see the main Contents. This is basically a list of all of the root categories in this Wiki. This list is dynamically generated so the list will automatically change as categories are added, updated or deleted.

Main Page Contents

Latest Section

To the right of the Contents, you'll see the Latest section which lists news and other recently added and modified pages.

"Latest" section listing News and recently added/updated pages

Getting Back to the Main Page

In the upper left corner of every page in this wiki, you will see the FSKB logo. You can click this logo image (or the "Main page" link below it, in the SideBar) from any page to bring you back to the Main Page.

FSKB Wiki Logo and Main Page Link in SideBar